Additional Resources
Try These Stress Management Techniques
Below are the Links for some You Tube Videos:
Cognitive BX Therapy- how our thoughts control how we feel:
Engagin our senses- a grounding activity
We would like to thank Jessica Krivoy, School Counselor @ Westlake Charter School for sharing these videos with us!! She can be reached at
(Last Modified about a minute ago)
Free Online Parenting Classes
Love and Logic Parenting Online: Free parenting classes
Resources in Rancho Cordova
Resources in Rancho Cordova for food, Department of Human Assistance, and the Folsom Cordova Community Partnership.
Mental Health Resources
Do you need to talk to someone right now? Look at this list and call or text one of the listed services for support.
Resources in Sacramento and Placer Counties
This resource list covers a wide variety of resources, check the index on the first page of the listing for more information.